
Jack Kressler started Kressler's Gulf Service in 1950 at 3 North Iron Street. The shop was open 6AM to Midnight everyday, except when he closed early on Sundays. The business sold a lot of gas. Successful. But Jack and the boys found little time to spare for the mechanical repairs they enjoyed.

With four children, it was a risky move to leave a steady job for a business dream of your own, but in 1962 land became available just down the road, and Jack couldn't pass it up.

He bought the land, where Kressler's presently sits, right across from the house where he Jack and his wife Ruth raised their children. They began excavating and laying block for the three-bay station. Jack's eldest, Fred mixed mortar for the masons, and the new business started to take shape.

The Station, from the start, has been a family affair. Ruth did the bookkeeping. Fred helped out at a young age, sweeping floors, and after teaching for a few years, he returned to specialize in foreign cars as Jack's business partner. Flint, Jack's youngest son, began working when he was in high school. Flint showed a strong interest and aptitude from the start, winning 1st in the State's 4H mechanical competition. Today he specializes in American cars.

Mark Dawson was Fred's neighbor for a while. He was that pesky kid that always had Fred's grass mowed before Fred had the chance. He started coming to the station and worked part time through high school. Mark left for a year to work for his father and another shop, but returned, much appreciated.

Today, Fred, Flint and Mark own the business. Jack still comes in every morning and Fred and Flint's sister, Pat does the bookkeeping.